
The µRaiden client can be used as a standalone library, to make machine-to-machine payments easily available.

An example use of the library would import the Client class:

from microraiden import Client

client = Client('<hex-encoded private key>')

Alternatively you can specify a path to a JSON private key, optionally specifying a file containing the password. If it’s not provided, it’ll be prompted interactively.

client = Client(key_path='<path to private key file>', key_password_file='<path to password file>')

This client object allows interaction with the blockchain and offline-signing of transactions/balance-proofs.

An example lifecycle of a Client object could look like this:

from microraiden import Client

receiver = '0xb6b79519c91edbb5a0fc95f190741ad0c4b1bb4d'
privkey = '0x55e58f57ec2177ea681ee461c6d2740060fd03109036e7e6b26dcf0d16a28169'

# 'with' statement to cleanly release the client's file lock in the end.
with Client(privkey) as client:

    channel = client.get_suitable_channel(receiver, 10)

        'Current balance proof:\n'
        'From: {}\n'
        'To: {}\n'
        'Channel opened at block: #{}\n'  # used to uniquely identify this channel
        'Balance: {}\n'                   # total: 7
        'Signature: {}\n'                 # valid signature for a balance of 7 on this channel
            channel.sender, channel.receiver, channel.block, channel.balance, channel.balance_sig

    channel.topup(5)                      # total deposit: 15

    channel.create_transfer(5)            # total balance: 12


    # Wait for settlement period to end.


    # Instead of requesting a close and waiting for the settlement period to end, you can also perform
    # a cooperative close, provided that you have a receiver-signed balance proof that matches your
    # current channel balance.
