Source code for microraiden.constants

This file contains configuration constants you probably don't need to change
import json
import os

[docs]def read_version(path: str): return open(path, 'r').read().strip()
# api path prefix API_PATH = "/api/1" """str: api path prefix""" MICRORAIDEN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) """str: absolute path to module directory. Used to find path to the webUI sources""" HTML_DIR = os.path.join(MICRORAIDEN_DIR, 'microraiden', 'webui') """str: webUI sources directory""" JSLIB_DIR = os.path.join(HTML_DIR, 'js') """str: javascript directory""" JSPREFIX_URL = '/js' """str: url prefix for jslib dir""" TKN_DECIMALS = 10**18 """int: decimals of the token. Any price that's set for the proxy resources is multiplied by this.""" WEB3_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = "" """str: ethereum node RPC interface URL""" CHANNEL_MANAGER_ABI_NAME = 'RaidenMicroTransferChannels' """str: name of the channel manager contract""" TOKEN_ABI_NAME = 'CustomToken' """str: name of the token contract""" CONTRACTS_ABI_JSON = 'data/contracts.json' """str: compiled contracts path""" with open(os.path.join(MICRORAIDEN_DIR, 'microraiden', CONTRACTS_ABI_JSON)) as metadata_file: CONTRACT_METADATA = json.load(metadata_file) MICRORAIDEN_VERSION = read_version(os.path.join(MICRORAIDEN_DIR, 'microraiden', 'VERSION')) """str: version of Microraiden library""" CHANNEL_MANAGER_CONTRACT_VERSION = "0.2.0" """str: required version of the deployed contract at CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS. Proxy will refuse to start if the major or minor versions do not match.""" PROXY_BALANCE_LIMIT = 10**8 """int: proxy will stop serving requests if receiver balance is below PROXY_BALANCE_LIMIT""" SLEEP_RELOAD = 2 # sanity checks assert PROXY_BALANCE_LIMIT > 0 assert isinstance(PROXY_BALANCE_LIMIT, int) # map network id to network name NETWORK_NAMES = { 1: 'mainnet', 2: 'morden', 3: 'ropsten', 4: 'rinkeby', 30: 'rootstock-main', 31: 'rootstock-test', 42: 'kovan', 61: 'etc-main', 62: 'etc-test', 1337: 'geth', 65536: 'ethereum-tester' }
[docs]def get_network_id(network_name: str): """ Map canonical network name to its integer id. Args: network_name (str): network name Returns: int: network id """ ids = list(NETWORK_NAMES.keys()) return ids[list(NETWORK_NAMES.values()).index(network_name)]