Source code for microraiden.examples.echo_server

This is dummy code showing how the minimal app could look like.
In his case we don't use a proxy, but directly a server
import logging
import os
import click
from flask import request
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider

from microraiden.channel_manager import ChannelManager
from microraiden.make_helpers import make_channel_manager
from microraiden.constants import WEB3_PROVIDER_DEFAULT
from microraiden.config import NETWORK_CFG
from microraiden.proxy import PaywalledProxy
from microraiden.proxy.resources import Expensive
from microraiden.utils import get_private_key

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StaticPriceResource(Expensive):
[docs] def get(self, url: str, param: str):'Resource requested: {} with param "{}"'.format(request.url, param)) return param
[docs]class DynamicPriceResource(Expensive):
[docs] def get(self, url: str, param: int):'Resource requested: {} with param "{}"'.format(request.url, param)) return param
[docs] def price(self): return int(request.view_args['param'])
@click.command() @click.option( '--private-key', required=True, help='The server\'s private key path.', type=str ) def main(private_key: str): private_key = get_private_key(private_key) run(private_key)
[docs]def run( private_key: str, state_file_path: str = os.path.join(click.get_app_dir('microraiden'), 'echo_server.db'), channel_manager: ChannelManager = None, join_thread: bool = True ): dirname = os.path.dirname(state_file_path) if dirname: os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # set up a paywalled proxy # arguments are: # - private key to use for receiving funds # - file for storing state information (balance proofs) if channel_manager is None: web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(WEB3_PROVIDER_DEFAULT)) NETWORK_CFG.set_defaults(int( channel_manager = make_channel_manager( private_key, NETWORK_CFG.CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS, state_file_path, web3 ) app = PaywalledProxy(channel_manager) # Add resource defined by regex and with a fixed price of 1 token. app.add_paywalled_resource( StaticPriceResource, "/echofix/<string:param>", price=5 ) # Resource with a price determined by the second parameter. app.add_paywalled_resource( DynamicPriceResource, "/echodyn/<int:param>" ) # Start the app. proxy is a WSGI greenlet, so you must join it properly. if join_thread: app.join() else: return app
# Now use echo_client to get the resources. if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) main()