Source code for microraiden.proxy.resources.expensive

import logging
from flask_restful import Resource
from eth_utils import is_address

from microraiden.channel_manager import (
from .paywall_decorator import paywall_decorator

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LightClientProxy: """A simple proxy that returns a file that contains paywall html.""" def __init__(self, index_html: str) -> None: with open(index_html) as fp: =
[docs] def get(self, url: str) -> str: return
[docs]class Expensive(Resource): """Expensive is basically a Flask's resource with a custom method decorator. The decorator handles all the payment processing and user just needs to implement methods for HTTP verb he intends to use.""" method_decorators = [paywall_decorator] def __init__(self, channel_manager: ChannelManager, light_client_proxy=None, paywall=None, price: None = None, ) -> None: super(Expensive, self).__init__() assert isinstance(channel_manager, ChannelManager) assert price is None or callable(price) or price > 0 self.contract_address = channel_manager.channel_manager_contract.address self.receiver_address = channel_manager.receiver assert is_address(self.contract_address) assert is_address(self.receiver_address) self.channel_manager = channel_manager self.light_client_proxy = light_client_proxy self._price = price self.paywall = paywall
[docs] def get_paywall(self, url: str) -> str: """Implement this if you want to return a custom HTTP paywall code. Returns: str: HTML page with the paywall """ return self.light_client_proxy.get(url)
[docs] def price(self) -> int: """Implement this if you want to have price set dynamically. Returns: int: price of a resource. If the value returned is 0, no paywall checks are done and the actual content will be sent to the user. """ if callable(self._price): return self._price() else: return self._price