Source code for microraiden.utils.private_key

import getpass
import json
import logging

import os
import stat

from eth_utils import is_hex, decode_hex, encode_hex
from ethereum import keys

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def check_permission_safety(path): """Check if the file at the given path is safe to use as a state file. This checks that group and others have no permissions on the file and that the current user is the owner. """ f_stats = os.stat(path) return (f_stats.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)) == 0 and f_stats.st_uid == os.getuid()
[docs]def get_private_key(key_path, password_path=None): """Open a JSON-encoded private key and return it If a password file is provided, uses it to decrypt the key. If not, the password is asked interactively. Raw hex-encoded private keys are supported, but deprecated.""" assert key_path, key_path if not os.path.exists(key_path): log.fatal("%s: no such file", key_path) return None if not check_permission_safety(key_path): log.fatal("Private key file %s must be readable only by its owner.", key_path) return None if password_path and not check_permission_safety(password_path): log.fatal("Password file %s must be readable only by its owner.", password_path) return None with open(key_path) as keyfile: private_key = keyfile.readline().strip() if is_hex(private_key) and len(decode_hex(private_key)) == 32: log.warning("Private key in raw format. Consider switching to JSON-encoded") else: try: json_data = json.load(keyfile) if password_path: with open(password_path) as password_file: password = password_file.readline().strip() else: password = getpass.getpass("Enter the private key password: ") private_key = encode_hex(keys.decode_keystore_json(json_data, password)) except ValueError: log.fatal("Invalid private key format or password!") return None return private_key