Smart Contract

Smart Contracts, Unittests and Infrastructure for RaidenPaymentChannel


The Smart Contracts can be installed separately from the other components.


  • Python 3.6
  • pip


pip install -r requirements.txt


  • from root/contracts:
# compilation
populus compile

# tests
pytest -p no:warnings -s
pytest tests/ -p no:warnings -s

# Recommended for speed:
# you have to comment lines in tests/ to use this
pip install pytest-xdist==1.17.1
pytest -p no:warnings -s -n NUM_OF_CPUs


Chain setup for testing

Note - you can change RPC/IPC chain connection, timeout parameters etc. in project.json

  1. Start the geth-node from the commandline:
geth --ipcpath="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc" \
     --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest" \
     --dev \
     ---rpc --rpccorsdomain '\*' --rpcport 8545 \
     --rpcapi eth,net,web3,personal \
     --unlock 0xf590ee24CbFB67d1ca212e21294f967130909A5a \
     --password ~/password.txt

# geth console
# you have to mine yourself: miner.start()
geth attach ipc:/Users/loredana/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc
  1. Get some testnet-Ether at the kovan-faucet
  2. Modify the project.json to change the default account
  3. Start the Parity node from the commandline:
parity --geth \
       --chain kovan \
       --force-ui --reseal-min-period 0 \
       --jsonrpc-cors http://localhost \
       --jsonrpc-apis web3,eth,net,parity,traces,rpc,personal \
       --unlock 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb \
       --password ~/password.txt \
       --author 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb
  1. Get some testnet-Ether at the ropsten-faucet
  2. Modify the project.json to change the default account
  3. Start the geth node from the commandline:
geth --testnet \
     --rpc --rpcport 8545 \
     --unlock 0xbB5AEb01acF5b75bc36eC01f5137Dd2728FbE983 \
     --password ~/password.txt
  1. Get some testnet-Ether at the rinkeby-faucet
  2. Modify the /contracts/project.json to change the default account
Fast deployment

There are some scripts to provide you with convenient ways to setup a quick deployment.

# Fast deploy on kovan | ropsten | rinkeby | tester | privtest

# Following two calls are equivalent
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet  # --owner is web.eth.accounts[0]
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet \
  --chain kovan \
  --owner 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb \
  --challenge-period 500 \
  --token-name CustomToken --token-symbol TKN \
  --supply 10000000 --token-decimals 18

# Provide a custom deployed token
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet --token-address TOKEN_ADDRESS


Generated docs

There is a Auto-Generated-API, that is compiled with soldocs.


pip install soldocs
populus compile
soldocs --input build/contracts.json --output docs/contract/ --contracts RaidenMicroTransferChannels

Opening a transfer channel

ERC20 compatible

# approve token transfers to the contract from the Sender's behalf
Token.approve(contract, deposit)

Contract.createChannel(receiver_address, deposit)

Gas cost (testing): 120090


Topping up a channel

Adding tokens to an already opened channel.

ERC223 compatible (recommended)

Sender sends tokens to the Contract, with a payload for calling topUp.

Token.transfer(_to, _value, _data)

Gas cost (testing): 54885

  • _to = Contract.address
  • _value = deposit value (number of tokens)
  • _data contains the Sender and Receiver addresses encoded in 20 bytes + the open_block_number in 4 bytes
  • in python
_data = sender_address[2:] + receiver_address[2:] + hex(open_block_number)[2:].zfill(8)
_data = bytes.fromhex(_data)

ERC20 compatible

#approve token transfers to the contract from the Sender's behalf
Token.approve(contract, added_deposit)

# open_block_number = block number at which the channel was opened
Contract.topUp(receiver_address, open_block_number, added_deposit)

Gas cost (testing): 85414


Generating and validating a balance proof

(to be updated post EIP712)

# Sender has to provide a balance proof to the Receiver when making a micropayment
# The contract implements some helper functions for that

# Balance message
bytes32 balance_message_hash = keccak256(
        'string message_id',
        'address receiver',
        'uint32 block_created',
        'uint192 balance',
        'address contract'
        'Sender balance proof signature',

# balance_message_hash is signed by the Sender with MetaMask

# Data is sent to the Receiver (receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)

Generating and validating a closing agreement

from eth_utils import encode_hex

# Sender has to provide a balance proof to the Contract and
# a closing agreement proof from Receiver (closing_sig)
# closing_sig is created in the same way as balance_msg_sig, but it is signed by the Receiver

# Closing signature message
bytes32 balance_message_hash = keccak256(
        'string message_id',
        'address sender',
        'uint32 block_created',
        'uint192 balance',
        'address contract'
        'Receiver closing signature',

# balance_message_hash is signed by the Sender with MetaMask

# balance_msg_sig is signed by the Receiver inside the microraiden code

# Send to the Contract (example of collaborative closing, transaction sent by Sender)
Contract.transact({ "from": Sender }).cooperativeClose(

Balance proof / closing agreement signature verification:

sender_address =, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)

receiver_address =, open_block_number, balance, closing_sig)

Closing a channel

# 1. Receiver calls Contract with the sender's signed balance message = instant close & settle
# 2. Client calls Contract with receiver's closing signature = instant close & settle
# Gas cost (testing): 71182
Contract.cooperativeClose(receiver_address, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig, closing_sig)

# 3. Client calls Contract without receiver's closing signature = challenge period starts, channel is not settled yet
# Gas cost (testing): 53876
Contract.uncooperativeClose(receiver_address, open_block_number, balance)

# 3.a. During the challenge period, 1. can happen.

# 3.b. Client calls Contract after settlement period ends
# Gas cost (testing): 40896
Contract.settle(receiver_address, open_block_number)