In order to get you started, we created an example application, that receives micropayments and some parameter over a http-request - and simply echos this parameter when the micropayment was valid. Please follow the microraiden installation instructions and the instructions to set up geth.
Before starting the receiver, it needs to be assigned a private key with some TKN. Navigate to ./microraiden/microraiden/examples
and create a new file containing your private key as exported in the Blockchain Setup guide by MetaMask. The file should be named pk_tut.txt
From the root directory of µRaiden, start:
python microraiden/examples/ --private-key microraiden/examples/pk_tut.txt
To actually start the request for resource /hello
, we will fire up the µRaiden client with the prefunded account.
While the Receiver is still running (in another terminal window for example), execute this command from the µRaiden root folder:
python microraiden/examples/ --private-key microraiden/examples/pk_tut.txt --resource /echofix/hello
After some seconds, you should get the output
INFO:root:Got the resource /echofix/hello type=text/html; charset=utf-8:
Congratulations, you just performed your first micropayment!
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